It has been awhile since I posted, I have not been out on a Friday in at least 6 weeks. I went through some photos that I had taken awhile back and thought that I would post a few that were interesting to me. It is a mix and match, no certain theme.
Sarah just finished a week of cheer leading camp at Aucilla Christian, she posed for this pic but refused to cheer at the game. That's OK , maybe next year.
I slowed the shutter on my camera for this pic, this is hurricane Fay blowing my favorite bamboo.
There is not much to compare with the view of a summer sky through the cypress trees of the Wacissa.
Can you believe the tail on this guy?
I found this little gal while mowing my lawn, ran inside, got my camera, laid on the grass and took this photo. If anyone had seen all this I am sure they would have thought I had lost my mind. Does anyone know what kind of Caterpillar this is? Please email me if you do, she was huge, 6 inches in length at least!